FCIK urges Govt to prioritize existing industry before NCSS expansion

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Apr 20: The Federation of Chambers of Industries Kashmir (FCIK) today urged the Government to prioritize strengthening the existing industrial base in Jammu and Kashmir before expanding it under the New Central Sector Scheme (NCSS).
A spokesperson of the federation said during a meeting held at Sanat Nagar Srinagar, FCIK members, led by Advisory Committee members Shakeel Qalander and Mohammad Ashraf Mir, discussed their concerns with the Director of the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Dr. Kajal, and her team of officers, along with the presidents of various industrial estates.
He said that FCIK members emphasized the need for a change in the working atmosphere and system to facilitate existing and potential entrepreneurs with flawless services. He said they expressed concerns over the non-seriousness of the local administration towards the existing industry’s plight and requested a complete revamp of the role and functionaries of the Industries Department,” they complained to DPIIT about the withholding of a corpus fund of INR 100 crores approved in 1999 by the then Prime Minister on the recommendations of the Task Force on MSMEs,” he said.
He informed that Dr. Kajal assured the FCIK team that the DPIIT would revisit the guidelines for the incentive scheme and take up the matter with relevant authorities to find a resolution to the problems. “She (Kajal) requested FCIK to provide a detailed note on all the issues with suggestions for improvement and promised to have regular and frequent interactions with stakeholders in the future,” he said.