FD issues several directions to avoid last minute rush of expdt

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 6: With a view to streamline spending in Government departments to avoid last minute rush of expenditure, the Finance Department of Jammu and Kashmir Government today issued slew of directions for strict adherence by all the Administrative Departments, Head of the Departments (HoDs), Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) and the Treasury Officers (TOs).
As per an order issued by Financial Commissioner, Finance Department Dr Arun Kumar Mehta, the Finance Department shall not consider any additionality and liability at this stage as the budget of 5 months (31st October 2019 to 31st March, 2020) of 2019-20 has been adopted and released in full.
“Any proposal regarding release of matching share, if any, proportional to the Centrally Sponsored Schemes share released by the Government of India and received by the Administrative Departments shall be submitted, with documentary proof, by or before March 12,” the Finance Department order said.
It added that rush on expenditure on procurement shall be avoided during the last month of the year so as to ensure that all procedures are complied with and there is no infructuous or wasteful expenditure.
Director Finance(s) and Financial Advisor(s) have been advised to specially monitor the aspect in their respective departments, according to the order.
“Proposal for advance drawal, authorization of funds, if any, pertaining to financial year 2019-20 shall be submitted to the Finance Department well before 15th of March,” the order said, adding that no advance drawal and authorization proposal shall be processed beyond March 15.
Proposals for parking of funds in “Civil Deposits” in order to avoid lapsing of funds shall not be entertained and processed, the Finance Department said.
“Issuance of hundies stands already banned. The Departments are advised not to move any proposal in this regard. Treasury Officers will not entertain any bill/cheque for payment after working hours on 26th March, 2020, pertaining to financial year 2019-20 and all the DDOs are advised to plan their bill presentation accordingly at Treasuries,” the order said.
All the Administrative Secretaries, it said, must effectively supervise and shall be responsible for ensuring compliance of the outlined standard measures.
“Director Finance(s)/ Financial Advisor(s) shall assist the respective Administrative Secretaries in securing the compliance to the measures and also submit regular report to the Finance Department for any violation of guidelines,” the order said.