FDC employees decry non- release of 71% pending DA

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 23: A meeting of State executive of JKFCEF, now JK Forest Development Corporation employees forum was convened through virtual mode by Suresh Sharma its spokesman . It was noted with pain and anguish that inspite of clear provision in the approved budget , 71 % DA and 7th Pay Commission report is still a dream for poor and hardworking FDC employees.
Sharma cautioned the Govt that with-holding of DA is a criminal act on its part as this component is directly linked with Price Index and employees have to defray inflation due to price hike at any cost. It is irony that even most of PSUs have implemented 7 pc report and being paid full DA but for the unexplained reasons FDC employees are deprived of these legitimate sanctioned and approved financial benefits for no fault of theirs.
Inspite of repeated letters particularly the one made last month by JKFCEF to LG, Chief Secretary and Com/ Secy Forests no action has been taken so far resulting lot of discontentment amongst the employees. He appealed Financial Commissioner Atul Dullu and clarified that every employee of FDC is honestly putting all efforts to generate revenue and employees have no much more role to play as project for extraction and sale of timber are being prepared and finalized by management and employees cannot be held responsible if there is any so called gap between revenue and expenditure.
Sharma appealed Financial Commissioner to release 71% DA and release 7 pc pay component immediately as proposed by management otherwise employees will come on roads and entire responsibility will be of the govt. He also urged to hold DPC of all cadres, release time bound and other arrears, decision on SRO cases and transferring provident money to single central account.
Aijaz Darzi, CK Sudan, Irfan Fareedi, Abdul Majeed, Chaman Lal, Manjit Singh, Sandip Sharma and others also joined the meeting through virtual mode.