FDI in insurance

Apropos FDI in insurance and Pension- No gain for aam aadmi (DE Oct 11, 2012) is thought provoking. Analysis of the pros and cons of the scheme by Shivaji Sarkar is understandable by aam aadmi. He has also referred to the report submitted by IRDA and rightly pointed out that FDI is more of political rather than economic compulsions.
FDI, in simple words is- your material, your markets but profits to the foreigner investors.
Gandhiji would have advised to manage your material in your markets through well organised co-operative movement. He spun the cotton thread on his spinning wheel not for show but to show the path to be self  sufficient. Sacrificing a meal, once a week, hastened the era of green revolution in India.
Proposed FDI in different  sectors is like offering your material and markets  to the  foreign investors on platter, which is against the interests of the country.
Let Indian rich come forward to invest and help the economy of the country.
Yours etc….
A Singh
Digiana Jammu