Female infertility

Dr. Richa Sharma
In any couple suffering from infertility, the success and prognosis all depends on the female factor and especially the female age.
Whenever we screen as clinicians, we focus on clinical aspect along with ovarian, tubal and uterine factor and take the assistance of a panel of blood tests to see where we stand and how much will be the chances of having a healthy pregnancy in a particular couple.Each couple needs individualized screening and we can just impose same treatment for all- both clinically and evidence based (EBM).This is what we call as Individualized Treatment.What we recommend is the cafeteria approach so that once the situation is clear they can choose the appropriate option after consultation with the concerned doctor.So basic is understanding and awareness of you own problem and take a call accordingly.
Ovulation Induction
The basic treatment in a young couple is just to time the things right and make them understand about fertile period.Anovulation contribute a large fraction of female infertility.
Ovulation induction (OI) treatment attempts to stimulate the hormonal pathways to release an egg from the ovaries.The most common causes for female infertility are ovulatory disorders. Without ovulation, fertilization and pregnancy cannot occur. Ovulatory disorders are due to irregular ovulation. These account for approximately 20-30% of female infertility.Ovulatory disorders are also often the result of hormone imbalances.
*Immunological issues such as antibodies to the man’s sperm within cervical mucus can cause infertility.
*Endometriosis is related with a high occurrence of infertility.
*Abnormalities of the uterus such as fibroids, and polyps can contribute to infertility by causing damage to the uterine wall.
*Damage to the fallopian tubes is one general cause for female infertility
Medicines used to induce ovulation include:
Clomid: Clomid is the initial treatment to induce ovulation. Clomid stimulates the pituitary gland to release gonadotropins FSH and LH, which are required to develop a follicle and ovulate. clomid has a high rate of ovulation induction for women with normal estrogen and FSH levels. During treatment, monitor regular ultrasounds are taken to monitor follicular development.
FSH: FSH is a gonadotropin that stimulates the ovaries to develop and release a mature egg follicle.
hMG: hMG injectable medication is for women with low estrogen and low gonadotropins levels.
hCG: hCG is a hormone that is similar to the LH surge. Women are normally given clomid or HMG/FSH before taking hCG medication. Ovulation occurs 24 to 48 hours after taking HCG.
(The author is Senior Consultant Gurgaon, Delhi NCR)