Fight corruption

This has reference to the news item,’Avoid corruption by conviction, not by compulsion :Dr. Jitendera ‘(DE, Feb 14, 2014). The Union Minister of State( Independent Charge) the Ministry of Development of North-Eastern Region (Do NER), MOS, PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr.Jitendra Singh has rightly called for avoiding corruption by conviction, not by compulsion.Corruption is a deeprooted malaise in many countries including India which has the dubious distinction of ranking 85th among the 175 countries in the world in 2014.Our own state is rated as one of the most corrupt states in the country.Even in the wake of rampant corruption,there are many officers/ officicials who are too honest and incorruptible not to indulge themselves in corrupt practices even when they have ample opportunities to do so.Such officers and officials need to be honoured to boost their morale and serve as role models for others whereas those found involved in corruption again and again despite warnings need to be dealt with sternly.
The main reason for bribery in the government offices is the delay in clearance of pending files by the officers.There ought to be such a mechanism by which files must be disposed of expeditiously within a fixed time frame.It must be made mandatory for every officer/ official to submit an affidavit at the time of appointment that he/ she will face termination if he is found involved in corrupt practices.CCTV cameras need to be  installed in offices against which there are repeated complaints of corruption.Each office should be asked to publish the list of files having particular status as also the number of files received, pending and disposed everyday.This information should be submitted everyday online to the next controlling office and so on.The anti- graft organisations such as Vigilance Organisation  need to be provided with more teeth and more staff to deal with the surging number of corruption cases more effectively. The Government also ought to conduct courses for officials motivating them to avoid corruption by cultivating high moral character and imbibing work culture in offices.Last but not the  least, there is need to create awareness in masses about the need to have patience and resist offering bribe to officers/ officials in order to get their work done instantly and that offering/ accepting bribe is a punishable offence.
Yours etc….
Ashok Sharma,