Firing by Rangers

Pakistani Rangers opened firing near Chechwal village for the fourth time ever since the secret tunnel dug by them was discovered by the BSF on July 12 last. Rangers are trying to achieve two objectives, first is to deny BSF the opportunity of discovering the full length of the secret tunnel at village Chechwal, and the second is to deny the farmers on our side to reap the crops along the LoC.  A couple working on their farm close to the LoC in the area was wounded when Pakistan Rangers suddenly and without provocation opened fire from across the LoC. It is important that Defence Ministry calls upon Pakistan to observe the cease fire commitment between the two countries failing which India will take a decision of her own. We have the capacity to retaliate, and we shall if we feel need to do so. A blitzkrieg of a couple of Ranger posts on the other side of the LoC should not be ruled out as a deterrent.