First ever meeting of Medical Supplies Corporation held

Excelsior Correspondent

Managing Director, Sheetal Nanda chairing first ever meeting of Medical Supplies Corporation at Srinagar on Tuesday.
Managing Director, Sheetal Nanda chairing first ever meeting of Medical Supplies Corporation at Srinagar on Tuesday.

SRINAGAR, Aug 12:The first ever meeting of the State Level Purchase Committee for J&K Medical Supplies Corporation Limited was held under the chairpersonship of its Managing Director Sheetal Nanda.
The meeting was attended by Director, SKIMS, /Principal GMC Srinagar,/Principal GMC, Jammu/ Director Health Services, Jammu/ Director Health Services, Kashmir/ Director Family Welfare J&K(Controller Drug and Food Organization J&K) /Mission Director, NRHM J&K/GMs of JKMSCL. At the very outset the MD JKMSCL gave a detailed profile/mandate of JKMSCL and also updated the members with the present status and progress and the functioning of the Corporation.
Detailed deliberations were held on important issues including funding and requisition of drugs/equipment by various indenting institutions which are yet to be received by the Corporation.
The members of the State Level Purchase Committee assured to place requisitions within a fortnight and also presented their suggestions, so far as the purchase of drugs/ Equipment is concerned.
The meeting concluded with committee framing some very important recommendations for the Government for achieving the important objective of safe and timely supply of drugs and equipment. The decisions taken in the meeting are a very important step towards making the Corporation fully functional which has a mandate to provide quality drugs at reasonable costs to all the Government health institutions of the State.