“Fitness to me is how to deal with life positively”

Former supermodel and fitness expert Milind Soman was present in Kolkata at an event “Walking Warriors-The Women of Today” to speak about the Pinkathon, the biggest women’s run in India and its debut run here. Souvik Ghosh speaks exclusively with him.
Why you decided to spread awareness about women’s health?
Look, I have learnt a lot from all women including my mother and sisters. I felt there is a need to spread awareness about women’s health as many people hardly know the true meaning of health. In 2003 Mumbai marathon I ran for about 21 kms which I think was an inspiration for many people to run. Though I am hopeful about women’s awareness regarding fitness, I had witnessed that only 5-6% of the runners were women in 2003 Mumbai marathon.
What is real fitness according to you?
Fitness to me is very simple, is something that deals with life in a positive manner.
What are your plans to reach out to women of all sections of society?
We have outreach programmes. We go out and meet different communities from all sections of society and tell them about Pinkathon. We explain to them about the importance of women’s health and the need for taking out some time everyday for the physical and mental health as well as emotional well being. We urge them to come and participate in running. Even if they fail to join us, we tell them to do some kind of activities at home.
How is Pinkathon catching up? How do you feel coming back to Kolkata ?
I have been coming to Kolkata for many years. It is wonderful to be in this city. People are wonderful here and I have received great hospitality but I am really excited to bring the Pinkathon to Kolkata for the first time and as you know it is the biggest women’s run. Last time we had a run across 12 cities and around 75 thousand women participated. It is an event like a celebration for women where they take their first step towards a healthier, fitter and happier life and hopefully they will incorporate running into their daily activities.
Why Kolkata is chosen so late for the Pinkathon?
Kolkata is not late in joining. It is one of the first cities because we are only in 12 cities in India. It is because we needed a lot of support from the running community here and we have used the support of running communities in other cities. The running community in Kolkata is actually very new and young which has grown quite a bit in the last couple of years, so we thought this to be the right time to come to Kolkata.
What kind of response you are getting?
I think the response is fantastic. (TWF)