Foley family celebrates his life, prays for hostages

RACHESTER (US), Aug 25: The family of murdered US journalist James Foley prayed for the safety of his fellow hostages as hundreds had gathered for a mass to celebrate his life as a witness on the front line.
Foley was kidnapped in late 2012 in northern Syria by the jihadist group that now dubs itself the Islamic State and which this week released a video showing him being beheaded.
The footage ended any remaining hopes that the 40-year-old freelancer, who contributed to the GlobalPost, Agence France-Presse and other outlets, would be released alive after his ordeal.
But his parents said the death should serve as a challenge to others to match the courage and humanity Foley had shown reporting on the fate of beleaguered civilian populations in Libya and Syria.
As the mass was under way yesterday at the church of Our Lady of the Rosary in Rochester, New Hampshire overseen by the Bishop of Manchester Peter Libasci — who read a message from Pope Francis — another American reporter was released.
Peter Theo Curtis, 45, was released after two years held by a different Syrian group, but other hostages remain in the country, including Foley’s former cellmate Steven Sotloff, who was threatened with death in the video released last week.
“Jim stood for love and hope,” his mother Diane told in the family home as James’ four surviving siblings and their partners and children gathered before the “healing mass.”
“I want to celebrate a life of bearing witness,” she said.
“So many people are suffering in the Middle East right now, and there are many hostages being held captive, so this is a mass for all of those who are hoping for peace, and also in Jim’s memory.”
Diane’s husband John said: “We pray for the surviving hostages and in particular Steven Sotloff. We’re just hopeful that something can be done to avoid Jim’s end.”
The couple were given a prolonged standing ovation by several hundred well-wishers after the service, many clearly moved by their dignified response after the cruel end to a long ordeal.
“His brutal death might be an awakening for the world,” his mother told.
“The community of love needs to unite to protect these fearless journalists going out to these very dangerous places where we need to protect the people suffering in conflict.”
Both Bishop Libasci and Foley’s parents spoke of how his Catholic faith had been important to him, and that former hostages who spent time with him during his imprisonment said prayer had kept him strong and that he in turn had supported them. (AGENCIES)