Follow your heart

Sonia Sareen
Have you ever wondered if each one of us didn’t have a worry in his  or her life how our life would be. We are all worrying about tomorrow ,a poor man worries about the next meal, a roof over his head; A middle class man worries if he could send his kids to the best schools, the next trip he can plan; You must be wondering if a rich man needs to worry if you think he does not then you are wrong, he is also worrying that how much more money he can make to buy the latest things that the market has to offer to prove to the world he is the best. We are all trying to prove to ourselves that we are the best. But don’t you wonder why we all need to prove to the other that we are the best?Why don’t we all realize we are all unique and we are complete within ourselves.
Each one of us  is so involved in our worries that we all forget to live and enjoy what we have. There is no tomorrow there is only today,this moment that we exist, can we not enjoy it ? Can we all not live it instead of rushing each day trying to do so much more, not even giving a moment to enjoy the beautiful day, the weather, the lovely people around us all that we have, someone else would die for what you have and yet we are all worrying about the tomorrow which we do not know if we will ever live to see.
Now all of you must be saying ‘It’s so easy to say these things’, ‘It’s all crap’, ‘Face our situation ,what we are experiencing then tell us what you will do’. But have you ever wondered and observed yourself that when you worry what happens is that you are so tensed up you are thinking about it all the time that you can’t sleep ,you are so engrossed in your worry that you are angry and upset all the time. You feel frustrated and irritated on very small things. When you are worried and someone wants to talk to you just unintentionally snap at that person. But did you achieve anything by worrying except for making your life  and everyone else’s around it hell. All of you should take the time to think, we waste so much time in worrying that we forget to smile ,be happy and enjoy our life.
I would like to quote Buddha-
“What we think we become”.
So we all have the power to decide what we want to become.
A few words of a poem I have written:
Life is a joy , Cherish it.
Life is a marvel, Treasure it.
Each moment is precious,
Let’s live it to our heart’s desire
Just a small step on how we can stop worrying and being more happy is to give yourself a few minutes each day and try not to think about anything ,just be still in the moment. Listen to your heartbeat ,feel your breath. Isn’t life wonderful? Let’s enjoy this wonder .It’s a very small thing that you can do for yourself. That’s where I started two years back under the guidance of my friend and it’s helped me become who I am.