Fomenting anti nationalism

What the recent air strikes by India in Pakistan did was to establish a nationalistic fervour across the country even if bordering on rhetoric at times. However, what has been missed is the constant approach adopted by the Kashmir polity in vitiating this fervour while talking about issues centric to Kashmir being discussed by the highest constitutional bodies in the country. 35-A is a point in ease.
While it goes without saying that the highest court of the country is going to decide on it sooner or later, politicians in the Valley have started raking it up for petty political benefits. Some of them have issued statement bordering on threats to the unity and integrity of the nation. It is quite disturbing when such statements come from mainstream politicians. It is also important to note these very politicians have sworn by Indian constitution at some point or other. For their narrow political interest they seem to run roughhod over the very constitution that granted them powers to govern the people of the State.
What worries me more is how these statements will be viewed by the International community as these appear to raise the issue of Kashmir on lines similar to those of the separatists ? I hope that better sense prevails and politicians across the board stand united on nationalistic issues while fighting democratically for a just and free India.
S N Raina