Food Security Bill

Food Security Bill is an election stunt of UPA II Government in real senses. It is good in theory but practically every citizen must earn enough money to survive. By subsidies and incentives like Food Security Bill shall kill motivation to earn a livelihood. The GDP will fall and the Government shall become weaker financially-though it shall recover it from public by more taxes in the long run. In a family, if someone is financially weak, it is duty of other family members to help him in making him financially dependent by making him able to earn a decent living by getting a suitable job of his caliber.
The same way Government should make more means for under privileged class to come up and earn a decent livelihood. Moreover, schemes like Food Bill will definitely result in more corruption –billions of rupees will be looted by intermediaries -are there enough checks and balances in this draft scheme. It is openly admitted by even Rahul Gandhi that even a tenth of a rupee never reaches the poor in most public schemes, then why to have such schemes? Make poor and underprivileged class to stand on their own feet. Do not make them beggars –dependent on free meals. Are the concerned authorities listening?
Yours etc…..
Mahesh Kumar