Footprints on Snow: Lifestyle of Gujjars

This 120-page book in Hindi has been published by the Sahitya Akademi, National Academy of Letters, New Delhi and moderately priced at Rs 100 only. It is, in fact a translation work of prominent Kashmiri writer Pran Kishore’s Sahitya Akademi Award winning novel titled “Sheeu Te Votpad” which has been now made available to Hindi readership by Dr. Rafeeq Masoodi, versatile in Kashmiri, Urdu, Hindi and English.
Creative Translation
Dr. Masoodi, it may be recalled also an IBS officer who held important assignments in the Prasar Bharati and remained on deputation as the Secretary, J&K State Academy of Art, Culture and Languages during the period 2006 to 2008. He has left deep imprints on the cultural field during his tenure.
Barff Per Bane Padchin is a creative translation of Pran Kishore’s book in Kashmiri. He has depicted the theme and substance of the Kashmiri book both in letter and spirit.
‘Cream of Society’
Kashmiri writer Pran Kishore has portrayed the lifestyle, culture and working of the nomadic Gujjar community who mostly move to alpine meadows for grazing this  cattle during summer and shift to plain areas during the winter season. Pran Kishore, a noted broadcaster, was actively associated with Radio Station, Srinagar and in his job used to survey and study the lifestyle of the Gujjar community. His award winning book has depicted minutest details of their rich traditions and customs.
The Gujjars, constitute a major component of population in J&K State, have unique cultural features in their dress, music, folk songs and folk literature in their language Gojari.
Gujjars have been valiant and patriotic people with a proud past history and since they are forward looking and have a bright future.
Worthy Work
It is a heartening feature that more and more classic books  are available in a particular language and being translated into other languages for wider readership.  The present book “Barrft Par Bane Padchin is well addition to Indian Literature.
This Hindi book under review is a well produced publication with quality printing on a fine paper and priced moderately so that it is within the reach of the common man. Dr Masoodi, with many attainments to his credits has added another feather in his cap by exhibiting his literary talent and expertise in translation work.
(Starline Syndicate Service)