Sunil Seth
Name of Book : Universal Face Theory
Author : Susheel Kamotra
Susheel Kamotra , Son of the Soil from Jammu, has penned down his 10 years of research work on ‘Happiness’ culminating in the form of a book titled ,’Universal Face Theory- A Theory Of Happiness’ in the year 2017. It is probably a panacea in the modern world’s search for ‘Happiness and Inner Peace’. The problematic contemporary path of ‘Self Realisation’ is made simple with the agile metaphor, ‘Mezbahn Sphere of Life’. “The Mezbahn Sphere of life” a metaphor is the evidence of a link between our five senses and our perception, emotions and thoughts. It’s a bridge towards the greater understanding of ‘Duality and Non Duality’ and the hard problem of ‘Consciousness’. Another feather in his cap was added when this book got a recognition and was transformed in a “Musical documentary Feature Film “Tinanjali- A Song of Life”, which was Premiered in Malaysia on 19th of April this year and was released in Malaysian Cinemas on 2nd of May ,2019. It explains how we can have a singularity experience of balance during bliss, within the chalice of life, during which we can find our virginity and attain freedom, emotional release, pleasure and happiness forever. Its understanding and awareness binds the ancient wisdom and hitherto knowledge in Science, Philosophy, Religion and Faith.
A unique, innovative and well articulated groundbreaking work that teaches everything one needs to attain happiness and inner freedom has found its way in this indispensable work of the author, Susheel Kamotra. When the seven layers of consciousness surrounding our body are in balance, harmony, synergy and flow; when we remain aware of our connection with the Universe as an Infinite Being and live in the present i.e. Now; we know our purpose of ‘Why We Are Here’, our ‘Consciousness’ is in Sync’. In this blissful state, the time disappears and the surrounding ‘Consciousness Shrinks to Singularity’ and outpours an ‘Unconditional Love and Pure Bliss’. There good time; the happy moment and as well the bad time; the sorrows where change is the law of life. Research findings in the form of book, binds all hitherto knowledge available in the recorded history in the form of an I-Chart to explain “Who are you” or “Who am I” and teaches us how to break the thin barrier between the material and Non-Material world to remain in now and stay grounded in action while at the same time in a state of pure bliss. Organisers of ‘Thinkers 50’, considered as the Oscars in Management discipline acknowledged the Book, ‘Universal Face Theory’. Universal Face Teory-The Book’; Tinanjali, a Song of Life-The Film , is an outcome of various discussions between a husband and wife, who are on their own journeys to solve mysteries of ‘Being Human’ narrating a journey in time towards the origin of mankind.
It is based on true events of Non-resident Indian Couple, nicknamed Tinu & Anjali (TINANJALI), who are on their journeys towards ‘Self- Realization’. Musical seminar connects people to become aware of their life journey towards ultimate truth and the union of Body, Mind and Soul which is the ultimate God of Yoga. It reminds us that our body is the host of our self, in this temporary life and whole life experiences exist in our consciousness, surrounding our body. Research findings in the form of book, binds all hitherto knowledge available in the recorded history in the form of an I-Chart to explain “Who are you” or “Who am I” and teaches us how to break the thin barrier between the material and non-material world to remain in NOW and stay grounded in action while at the same time in a state of pure bliss.
In the movie,Tinanjali- a Song of Life, Susheel tries to explain the latest finding of science and their connections in the ancient wisdom and vibrations of the universe that binds all of us with TEN knowledge points in various cultures and how we can emulate the truth of our main source whom we call God and how we can practise those TEN knowledge points in its simplest form.
It is so simple that it can be Self Healing with Un-Conditional Love and Contentment in life It gives an insight into how one can increase productivity with Ethical behaviour for a corruption free society. Tinanjali -a Song of Life has won award for the Best Movie Feature Documentary Film Award and the first award among the TOP 10 from 139 films shortlisted out of 350 films.
The Book,Universal Face Theory, is probably the Eelixir for seeking Happiness. A must read for Living in Presence i.e. Now for a Meaningful Life for which We are here on this mother earth.