Foreign Secy visits Russia, discusses PM’s possible visit in June

NEW DELHI :  Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar visited Russia on a two-day visit for Foreign Office Consultations and during his stay there, both sides discussed “complete range” of bilateral relations between India and Russia. According to an official statement here today, both sides also deliberated upon preparations for the forthcoming 18th India-Russia Annual Summit and also participation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the Chief Guest at the XXI St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in June.  The SPIEF will be held on June 1 and 2.  Dr Jaishankar during his stay in Russia on March 16 and 17,  held discussions with Igor Morgulov, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation among others.  They also discussed on “plans to celebrate” the 70th Anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between India and Russia, the statement said. “Both sides acknowledged the commonality of their positions on regional and global issues, reform of international institutions, cooperation against terrorism, anti-narcotics and cooperation in regional groups  like Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), BRICS and RIC,” it said.  Dr Jaishankar called on Ambassador Yuri Ushakov, Foreign Policy Aide to the President of the Russian Federation, as well as on Konstantin Kosachev, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Federation Council. “The discussions were held in a productive and forward looking atmosphere, and underlined the strong foundations of India-Russia relations, and the importance attached to them by both countries,” the statement said. (AGENCIES)