Forgotten massacre of 1948

I must compliment Dr Satya Dev Gupta for his outstanding article on the Forgotten Massacre of 1948, published in Daily Excelsior sometime ago. He has done a yeoman’s service to the contemporary living Indians, like myself, who were totally unaware of the cataclysmic events in Maharashtra post Mahatma Gandhi’s assasination by Nathuram Godes.
Destroying a life by killing can never be justified, much less that of the greatest Indian of his time. Killing thousands of Chittapavan Brahmins in retaliation for the heinous act of Godse is equally reprehensible. That these facts were so meticulously suppressed by the authorities at the time explains why they remained largely unknown to the Indian public at large. The author deserves public accolades for his brilliant effort in highlighting these long-suppressed historic facts for the benefit of the general masses.
Ravindra Sharma
A retired surgeon