Fortis Mohali doctors treat patients with multiple blockages using FFR technology

Dr RK Jaswal, Director Cathlabs, Fortis Hospital Mohali interacting with media persons. —Excelsior/Rakesh
Dr RK Jaswal, Director Cathlabs, Fortis Hospital Mohali interacting with media persons. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 20: The Cardiology Team at Fortis Hospital Mohali has given a new lease of life to several cardiac patients by providing treatment using the latest and most-advanced technology Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR), which is used to scientifically treat severe artery blockages.
The Cardiology Team headed by Dr RK Jaswal, Head of Department and Director of Cardiology, and Director, Cathlabs, Fortis Hospital Mohali, successfully treated a 66-year-old Jammu-based Patient, Sham Sunder, who had multiple blockages in his arteries and presented with acute chest pain (unstable angina), with FFR last year.
Patient Sham Sunder underwent Coronary Angiography in Jammu which revealed blockages in all three arteries. He was advised a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) or three-stent insertion by doctors. However, dissatisfied with the line of treatment in Jammu, the patient approached Dr Jaswal at Fortis Hospital Mohali last year.
Upon examination, the patient exhibited symptoms such as chest pain, fatigue, palpitations, abnormal heart rhythms and shortness of breath. Using the most advanced technology of FFR, Dr Jaswal achieved a medical feat by inserting only one stent in the patient’s artery as against three suggested by the doctors in Jammu.
Following good rehabilitation at Fortis Hospital, Mohali, the patient made a fast recovery and was discharged the very next day of the surgery.
The patient has fully recovered and is leading a normal life for more than a year. His latest one-year follow-up and Stress Profusion Scan report have been perfectly fine.