Four Pakistani infiltrators killed in Keran sector

Fayaz Bukhari

SRINAGAR: “Army killed four infiltrators in Keran sector in North Kashmir on the Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan early today”, said Defence spokesman, Lt Col Rajesh Kalia.

“Troops deployed on the LoC with Pakistan noticed movement of infiltrating militants, 25 kilometres West of Shala Bhatu area in the sector and challenged them. Four infiltrators were killed in the gun battle. Six AK-47 rifles and four pistols were recovered during the searches. The operation is in progress”, the spokesman added.

Two infiltrators were killed yesterday in the same sector by army.

The operation against a group of 30-40 infiltrated militants in the Shala Bhatu village in Keran sector entered 12th day today. Sources say that these infiltrators have captured a ghost village on the LoC but the Indian army denied the capture of the village.