Fraudulent degrees

The High Court has detected a fraudulent degree obtained by an employee of the Planning and Statistical Department of the State. The candidate who had filed a petition with the court seeking orders for his promotion as Junior Statistical Assistant was subjected to a professional test by the court which he utterly failed to go through. On being refused that he could not withdraw his case, the applicant confessed before the court that he had obtained degree from an unrecognized college against payment of a good sum of money. Taken aback by this revelation, the High Court has ordered the Government to submit full details of all the employments made during past 20 years to find out how many fraudulent employments have been made.
The fact is that during two and a half decades of militancy and lawlessness in the State, many Government functionaries have committed gross irregularities under the pretext of fear from gun. Many employments were made at the point of gun. Many frauds have been committed and many subversions taken place. The result is that administration has virtually collapsed in some of the departments where large scale fraudulent recruitments have been made. We do not know how this rot can be stemmed. However, the High Court has made first attempt to clear the deck and let us see how far success can be achieved in this case so that other decks would also be cleared in due course of time.