Freedom from our Minds

Digvijay Singh Billawaria
“Freedom” is the state of feeling free to do and say what you want while maintaining a positive outlook. The notion of “freedom” has been closely associated with the idea of being able to act and express oneself without any fear of repercussion. It is a state of being where individuals can enjoy their lives with a positive outlook and make choices based on their own volition. This sentiment was particularly strong in the years following our country’s liberation from British rule. After many years of fighting for their rights and autonomy, citizens experienced an overwhelming sense of pride and elation. However, in today’s fast-paced and often overwhelming world, the freedom we desire is often related to our minds. Our thoughts are constantly buzzing with information, some of which may be useful, but often superfluous. This constant stream of thoughts can serve as a distraction from our daily routines, making decision-making a challenge. We must take the time to focus on our minds and ensure they are healthy and positive.
From the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we go to bed at night, we are constantly immersed in an artificial world. Our daily routines are intertwined with the use of technology, whether it be our trusty electronic devices or the machines that surround us. These tools have become an integral part of our lives, providing us with convenience, entertainment, and efficiency. They have shaped the way we interact with the world and with each other, making our lives more interconnected, but also more dependent on technology.
Close your eyes and imagine a world without the constant hum of machines and electronic devices. A world where human interaction and spending time with nature were the only sources of entertainment. Picture yourself surrounded by lush greenery, towering trees, and an abundance of wildlife. This was a time when we had the luxury of appreciating the beauty of the natural world around us. We relished in the simple pleasures of life like feeling the warmth of the sun’s rays on our skin in the morning, marveling at the breathtaking sunsets that painted the sky with vivid colors, and spending leisurely evenings in the company of loved ones, sharing stories and laughter under the stars. It was a simpler time, but one filled with an indescribable sense of peace and contentment.
As we navigate through life, it often feels like time is slipping away from us. We find ourselves constantly immersed in the artificial world created by the electronic gadgets that surround us, and we forget to simply stop and enjoy the beauty of our journey. Our minds are cluttered with notifications, messages, and the constant need to be connected, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from the world around us. However, there is a solution. By taking the time to unplug from our devices and allowing our minds to be free, we can experience the full benefits of a life well-lived. Even just a few hours a day without the distractions of technology can help us to reconnect with the beauty and wonder of our natural world, and allow us to fully appreciate the journey of life.
Many religions encourage spending time in worship to find peace and gratitude. At home, we can also spend time in worship to clean our minds and gain positive energy. Yoga and physical exercises like cycling or playing games can help calm our minds as well as keep our bodies fit.
Helping others in our society can also give us positive vibes. As humans, we are capable of using our minds in abstract ways, and we have achieved many things from scratch in today’s world. From the Stone Age to now, we have accomplished things that was once thought to be impossible. Our minds are incredibly powerful, but they can also be our worst enemy if not taken care of properly.
It’s not uncommon to hear about people who have used their thoughts in a negative way, leading to difficult problems that are hard to solve. This is usually because they didn’t focus on developing a positive mindset, which allowed their thoughts to control their behavior. To avoid this, we need to focus on positivity and the potential benefits that a healthy mind can bring. By taking care of our minds and nurturing a positive mindset, we can help them to thrive and succeed.
It’s essential to remember that our minds are precious gems that must be handled with love. We all deserve to be happy as we have been selected by God to be human. To achieve things, we must free ourselves from unnecessary thoughts that hinder our growth on this beloved earth. With sound knowledge and the will to achieve, anything is possible. We must give our minds a positive atmosphere and let them flourish peacefully so that we can achieve anything in life. Our freedom is in our hands, and it only takes a few minutes or hours of our time to keep our minds calm and healthy.