Freedom of Press

Sharda Lal
‘Freedom of the press’ is being passionately discussed in the public forums these days. Freedom of speech, expression and action are the other aspects receiving loud attention from politicians and even the religious bodies. Little is being said however about the man who is ‘born free’ but expected to remain ‘always in chains’ – to be ‘in chains’ because these alone places him at a level superior to that of the animals in the society. We may call these ‘the chains of freedom’.
The chains of freedom may be in the form of having acceptable food, clothing, housing and behaviour under a particular set of timings, place and the society. These may include adherence to truth, honesty, courage, non- violence, compassion and charity, but never any support for illogical oppression of those who are numerically weak, weak in physical strength and weak in resources, including financial resources.
In a civilized society, raising voice or indulging in acts against the motherland or its representative symbols, prophets and saints of innumerable religions and sects who are no more in this world but who left footprints on this earth for humanity to follow for obtaining an elevated spiritual and human life and whose vilification can infuriate passions of their followers do in no way invite luxury of freedom. These must be therefore curbed with a heavy hand to ensure peaceful and harmonious coexistence of people, particularly in the multi-religious society like that of India.
All individuals and groups must respect and provide space to others so that they can follow their temporal and worldly life without fear or hindrance. However, none should transgress the boundaries or tread on to the toes of other people in matters that are considered to be sensitive by them. It is the responsibility of the society to define the red lines and if someone or a group transgresses these boundaries knowingly or with the intention of causing social disharmony, such people should be handed down exemplary and swift punishment by the statutory bodies through the process of the law of the land.
The press and the print and the electronic media are the recognized institutions for dissemination of news, but these are also the mediums for dissemination of viewpoints / opinions, generating public debate and awareness about moral, ethical, constitutional, social and developmental issues. Such mediums can bring to the notice of the public and the government, the lacunae and loopholes in dissipation of justice and surely can suggest the ways and means to plug them? Within the parameters of the law of the land, the press and media can pull up the governments, political bodies, religious, social organizations and individuals over their wrong doings but they should substantiate and back up their contention with facts and not just by hearsay.
On the face of it, it looks scandalous that the Alibaug police that had filed a closure report, apparently due to lack of evidence, in the case of alleged abetting of suicide of architect Anvay Naik and his mother on 26.04.2019 against Arnab Goswami, Editor-in Chief of R. Bharat television news channel and two others once again re-arrested him on 04-11-2020. The arrests were carried out with lot of fanfare with the “encounter specialist” of the police leading the police posse as if some notorious terrorist had to be caught.
Circumstances indicate that the act was an act of vengeance carried out to please the political overlords rather than the aggrieved daughter and wife of Anvay Naik.
This has left Mumbai police vulnerable to the charges of peddling someone else’s agenda or acting on the whims and fancies of someone with ulterior motives and considerations?
In case of procedure adopted for prevention of crime against the two innocent Sadhus & their equally innocent driver at Palghar and the investigations into unnatural deaths of Disha Salian the reputation of Maharashtra Police is already under cloud in the public eye.
Public at large is seeing Arnab Goswami as a scapegoat of Maharashtra Police and the police is seen as abdicating its unbiased and legitimate duties. Goswami is known for raising the matters of genuine national and ethical concern though his method may not be to the liking of many citizens but are certainly not be to the liking of the political bosses ruling the roost in Maharashtra.
The circumstances of the arrest of Arnab Goswami, especially the way multiple FIRs have been lodged against him & scores of reporters and functionaries of the Republic Media Network, has raised questions about “freedom of press and media.” The silence of the leftist and usually active groups that come out with candle marches and placards to denounce attack on freedoms granted to the press and media by the Indian constitution has divided this community down the middle which is not a good sign for the nation or the freedoms that make this country a vibrant democracy.