Fruit, Vegetable Diet for Weight Loss

Shahnaz Husain
We would all agree that bulk blurs the most beautiful features and presents all kinds of problems where clothes are concerned, making it difficult to be smartly groomed. One can also be confronted with health problems. In fact, losing weight can take the years off and make you feel younger and more attractive. It has a renewing and refreshing effect.
Indeed, good health and fitness have many benefits where the appearance is concerned. Along with exercise, adopt a healthy eating pattern, with an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables, salads, sprouts, clear soups, fresh fruit juices and other low calorie foods. Your diet should be low in fats, sugar and starch, but high in vitamins and minerals. This kind of diet will raise your level of fitness and also provide beauty benefits. Research into food and diet has indicated that a variety of fruits and vegetables can help in losing weight and also maintaining the desired weight. The choice of fruits and vegetables should depend on the starch content. Fruits and vegetables that are low in starch and high in fibre are ideal. The intake of starchy vegetables, like peas, potatoes and beans should be decreased. Have broccoli and sprouts, cucumber, avocado, apples and berries.
So often, when you want to loose weight, you simply don’t know where to begin. A good place to start is a medical check-up. Discuss your weight-loss diet plan with your doctor and check out the reasons of your weight gain. Ask if you need vitamin and mineral supplements. If you are pregnant or a lactating mother, there is all the more reason to consult your doctor about diet and dieting.
Lemon is a rich source of Vitamin C and can be most refreshing during the summer months. Weight watchers will find it beneficial. Start your day with the juice of a lemon in a glass of warm water. This combination can help to keep the system flushed and aid the removal of toxins and wastes. The citric acid in lemon is helpful in burning fat. Taken regularly, it is a preventive against colds and actually strengthens the immune system. It has been found that taking lemon regularly can help to relieve headaches, soothe digestive problems and even help people suffering from anxiety. It stimulates blood circulation, reduces arterial pressure, activates bile and intestinal secretions. In other words, it can promote a general feeling of well being too.
Recently so much importance has been given to green tea. Present day research has also revealed the innumerable benefits of green tea in both health and beauty. Just drinking green tea is said to be preferable to any other beverage, due to its high antioxidant content. It contains polyphenols, which are powerful natural antioxidants. Drinking green tea, without sugar, is said to help in losing weight. It increases fat oxidation and eliminates excess levels of water from the body. Green tea is also said to lower cholesterol levels due to the presence of tannins and also lowers blood pressure. However, those who are on medication for such ailments, should not discontinue medication without consulting the doctor.
Fennel also helps in losing weight, as it helps to prevent oxidation damage. It is rich in minerals and is a low calorie food. It also soothes inflammations and helps digestion. It can be chewed after meals. Soak fennel in water overnight and drink the water next morning.
Melons also contain less calories. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, which are said to help weight loss. They also help to prevent the accumulation of fat, specially on the abdomen. Like other citrus fruits, grapefruit also helps in burning fat and losing weight. It has a cleansing effect and helps to remove toxins. It is rich in Vitamin C, folic acid, potassium and pectin. Some varieties also contain Vitamin A. It can be included in a weight reducing diet.
Vegetables like broccoli and cabbage should be included in the diet. Cabbage is rich in antioxidants and helps to strengthen the immune system. Have it stir fried, or in salads. Broccoli can also be stir fried or lightly cooked.