Fulfill our legitimate demands or face agitation: Rajiv Chuni

DPs from PoJK staging protest in Jammu on Sunday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
DPs from PoJK staging protest in Jammu on Sunday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

PoJK DPs organize ‘Rosh Rally’

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 14: SOS International, an organization of Displaced Persons from PoJK today asked the BJP-led Central Government not to test the patience of Displaced People while maintaining a complete neglect of the community during the last 10 years.
The organization said the double engine Government of the BJP in Jammu and Kashmir has written a dark chapter of destruction of PoJK people, triggering strong resentment among them as they are left with no options to start a mass agitation to get their legitimate rights. On the call of the SOS International, thousands of PoJK people gathered at the ‘Rosh Rally’ here today.
The rally was held to draw immediate attention of the Government towards the longstanding demand and overlooked issues of the refugee community. The speakers, in their address, warned the ruling BJP of having serious consequences in the upcoming Assembly polls if it fails to fulfill four legitimate and genuine demands of the PoJK community.
Addressing the gathering, Rajiv Chuni, Chairman of SOS International, highlighted the persistent neglect faced by PoJK refugees over the last decade under the BJP-led Central Government. “Since the double-engine Government took over the reins in Jammu and Kashmir, it has written a black chapter of destruction of our people. Whatever we had achieved through decades-long struggle, it has been destroyed under a systematic plan. Our representatives, who have been elected for Lok Sabha for three consecutive times, remained silent on all issues confronting the community.
Chuni also criticized the Central Government for ignoring the PoJK refugees after reservation granted to Pahari communities. He outlined four major demands that have been consistently raised by the PoJK refugee community including Rs 25 lakh to all PoJK displaced families, reservation in professional and technical institutes for educated youth of the community and job package for them, reservation of eight seats in J&K Legislative Assembly and grant of Pahari status to all PoJK displaced community members.
Other who attended the rally included-Vinod Datta, Prof N N Sharma, Prof Suresh, Ved Raj Bali, Jagjeet Singh, DV Gupta, Satinder Gupta, Daleep Sharma, Ravi Kant Dutta and others.