Functioning, deliverance of departments reinforced: Advisor Vyas

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 30: Advisor to Governor, B B Vyas, today said that functioning and service delivery of Government departments have been revamped so that the grievances of people are redressed at an earliest and flagship schemes and welfare programmes are fast paced.
The Advisor was interacting with scores of deputations from different districts of Jammu division who meet him here at Convention Center here under the aegis of Governor’s Grievance Cell for redressal of public grievances.
The Advisor said that a vibrant mechanism has been put in place so that there is proper and timely disposal of the grievances and issues being projected by the people especially related to vital sectors and departments. He said that the officers should be responsive to the needs and issues projected by the people and ensure that these are resolved in a time bound manner. He asked Government functionaries to conduct regular field visits to see the status of implementation of the programs and get the feedback.
Over 15 delegations comprising 150 individuals and several individuals from various districts of Jammu Division apprised the Advisor of their grievances and sought his intervention in ensuring outcome-based redressal.
While taking cognizance of several complaints projected by the depuatationists related to Revenue Department, the Advisor directed the officers to examine these and take corrective measures in a time bound manner. He said that the officers should ensure that the complaints are disposed at an earliest to save the people from further inconvenience.
Vyas, while listening to the grievances of several deputations of the Government employees related to service matters and regularization, directed for early disposal of the same. He said that the departments should resolve all the HR related issues within the shortest possible time to benefit employees who are an important part of the functioning of government.
The Advisor directed the officers for prompt action on the issues projected by the deputations. He said that they should also ensure follow-up on the directions being given to them for improvement of service delivery on the ground.