Functioning of DDCs, Panchayats & 73rd Amendment

In a significant move and to further strengthen the grass root level democratic institutions in Jammu and Kashmir and with intent to further empower them , Panchayats are now in the ambit of all the 29 subjects under 11th schedule of the Constitution of India which in other words means more administrative control enjoyed by them . This was going to make the concept of self Government more deep rooted and flexible at the village levels thus giving Panchayats more powers to perform . That would ensure a turnaround in the overall development of respective villages , indulgence in programmes and their implementation like related to poverty alleviation, better connectivity , safe drinking water , rural housing and hassles free public distribution system. The step was otherwise aimed at bringing in uniformity at par with other states in the overall Panchayati structure. An important step towards making Panchayats more meaningful, relevant and powerful in the UT which would indeed be hailed by all.
It may be noted that the Gram Sabha or a permanent unit in Panchayati core functioning, three tiers of Panchayti Raj at village , intermediate and district levels , reservation in Panchayats for women and for SC/St categories, powers, financial requirements reviewing every five years by a Finance Commission and allied provisions of the said Amendment were going to touch each vital aspect of the Panchayati Raj System and this would go a long way in making Panchayats in Jammu and Kashmir a real and powerful working entity for the overall development of respective villages and thus resulting in improvement in the living condition of the rural population. This move, all on constitutional basis, was also going to make the District Development Councils more meaningful and relevant in functioning as provided for under 73rd Amendment with orders issued from time to time related to it. The onus on the District Development Commissioners in the light of implementation of District Capex Budget 2021-22 will be more to ensure that the DDCs functioned as per the provisions of the 73rd Amendment which would shape their functioning to be more in tune with requirements of the people related to development of their areas with due transparency while giving no room for any confusion at any levels.