Funds for snow clearance

This is in reference to article Utilize NREGA funds for Snow Clearance by Dr Raja Muzaffar Bhat ( DE 9.1.2018). I appreciate and support this innovative idea and would appeal Governor and his advisors not to waste any time and take a call to include snow clearance work under MGNREGA . During previous Government some progress was made in this direction as former Rural Development Minister Ab Haq Khan had a serious of meetings with Union Minister of Rural Development in New Delhi. This activity as the author has said will not only help clearance of snow from remote areas but will also generate livelihood for people living in remote and hilly areas of state like Gurez , Machil, Paddar, Dacchan, Marwa and other areas of J&K that witness heavy snowfall in winters. Snow clearance under NREGA will also stop winter migration from these areas as people can get work during harsh winters as well. If this has been experimented in Uttrakhand state in past , why shall Jammu & Kashmir not start it ?
Er Nazir Ahmad Yatoo
Provincial President Kashmir
PDP (Youth Wing)