Dr Rehana Kausar
Recently, there has been an enormous increase in the use of cats as pets across Kashmir. While your feline companions can give you love and comfort, it is important to know that some infections can be transmitted from cats to humans and we need some precautions to prevent them. Here, I will talk specifically about pets and not strays.
Cat Scratch Disease
You can get the infection if an infected cat scratches or bites you. The main concern is that an infected cat may shed the bacteria in its saliva, faeces, or scratches, even though the cat itself might not show any outward signs of illness. The disease is caused by a bacteria and can cause fever, swollen lymph nodes, and a red, raised bump at the site of the scratch or bite. Treatment is with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines.
Cats can become infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii by consuming raw meat (particularly from rodents, birds, or other small animals) or contaminated prey. They can also get infected by coming into contact with infected faeces. Most cats infected with Toxoplasma don’t show any signs of illness at all. However, in some cases, particularly in young kittens or cats with weakened immune systems, symptoms such as fever, lethargy or diarrhoea may appear. There is no vaccine against toxoplasmosis at present. Humans become infected by coming in contact with infected cat faeces. The diseases is particularly difficult for pregnant women since it can cause serious malformations in the developing baby. If you are pregnant or with a weakened immune system have someone else clean the litter box. The main prevention is not giving your cat raw meat or allowing it outside the house where it can eat rodents or prey and get infected. Feed your cat cooked meat or commercially available feed. Again I will emphasize the importance of hand washing after feeding cats, petting them and especially after cleaning the litter.
Cats can carry the bacteria Salmonella in their digestive systems and shed it in their faeces. Humans can be infected by handling contaminated food, litter, or by touching surfaces that have been in contact with infected faeces. Common symptoms are fever, diarrhoea, lethargy and cramps. The symptoms of salmonella in cats are fever, vomiting, lethargy and diarrhoea. Seek veterinary care if such symptoms occur. To prevent salmonellosis, keep the litter box clean and away from food areas. Avoid raw diets and do not kiss your cat or allow your cat to lick your face.
Ring worm
This is a fungal skin infection and can present as round, red, itchy lesions. It is spread by direct contact with infected fur or skin. It can also spread by coming in contact with infected grooming tools and bedding.
This is caused by a bacteria and infected cats excrete it in their urine. Lepto can cause fever, jaundice and kidney disease in humans. Pets should not be allowed to drink water from puddles or stagnant or flood water.
Humans can contract it if they are bitten or scratched by an infected cat. Rabies is a viral disease with a 100% mortality. In case you are bitten by a cat whether a pet or a stray please visit the emergency room of your nearest hospital.
Keep your pet’s vaccine status updated. Ensure that the cold-chain is maintained at the vet’s clinic. If your child plays with a stray please ensure that s/he washes her hands with soap and water afterwards. Wash your hands after feeding your cat, and emptying the litter box. In case a cat bites or scratches you or your child please go the emergency room and get treated.
(The author has an MD in Community Medicine)