Gambling is a sin

Swami Ram Swarup Yogacharya

In the beginning of the creation, knowledge of the four vedas emanates directly from Almighty God and was originated in the heart of four Rishis for the benefit of non-sexual creation. In vedas, God has preached all the human-beings the principles to follow, to make the future bright, to live long and even to attain salvation. Several kinds of unpious deeds have been prohibited in vedas like intake of non-vegetarian and addiction, laziness etc. Here, we pay our attention towards “gambling” which is declared as “condemnable act” and those who play it are entitled to be punished by the court, failing which, by the Almighty God. Infact, gambling fever is an obsession which is detrimental to mind and health.
The views of one of the leading French Doctors on gambling may also be summarized “I have several times had the mortification of seeing patients sink into graves who would have recovered had they not been enticed into one of the most pernicious forms of all excitements Gambling……..
The removal of this great evil from the beautiful shores of the Riviera would certainly be a benefit to our fellow-men and advance our saviour’s kingdom.”
* The reason for continuous gambling by the gambler is quoted in Rigved mantra 10/34/1 that when our senses are attracted towards the worldly affair like gambling then Rigved states that gambling provides the gambler with inspirations and merriment as if he has been experiencing the divine pleasure. But, this is all false.
The following are the teachings directly from God in Rigved Mandal 10 to be followed carefully, deeply and faithfully by all human-beings to be away from the addiction of playing such sinful game and thus to attain long, life happy.
* If a gambler is married then his mother-in-law hates him, wife does not like him, nobody becomes able to give him pleasure/comfort and is always debarred from enjoying necessary articles/goods of daily life.
* The habitual gambler gets the money by all means like even by theft etc. After losing the money in gambling, he makes his wife to be insulted by others. Mother, father and brothers do not support him and thus he finishes his life.
* When a gambler becomes habitual then it becomes very difficult for him to escape himself from it. Even if he tries to escape himself, from meeting with old friends and looking towards the place of gambling, he again indulges. So, habit of gambling is worst and everyone must be away from it.
* Gambler at one time also separates his wife from himself who always used to give respect and enjoyment to him. Learned of vedas and the dignitaries who follow the preach of vedas never think to gamble. Our country has been ruled by several rulers who always tried to destroy our country’s eternal culture. Here, I would like to give only one example of learned emperor, Yudhishthir who like king Sri Ram, Harishchandra etc., followed only the vedic path and ruled the public successfully. But he is often pinpointed to have lost his wife in gambling which is totally false. It is an attempt to destroy our eternal culture because nobody tries to see unlimited pious, moral and religious qualities of Yudhishthir there by ignoring the fact that Yudhishthir was made the target of gambling. Yudhishthir was not a gambler. He was forced to play. Only habitual gambler puts his wife on stake.
You see, no learned person can commit the mistake to indulge in gambling. That is why, Yudhishthir did not want to gamble. But he was forcefully made to play because Duryodhan sought his father’s order (royal order) directing Yudhishthir to play the game. That was the time when Vedic culture was in vogue and therefore the order of king Dhritrashtra could not be disobeyed by Yudhishthir but Yudhishthir before starting gambling declared at that time that the war will be fought.
Vidurji also told Dhritrashtra, on the occasion of gambling, that Oh! Dhritrashtra, your son Duryodhan, lives with you, as cunning as a jackal. But you do not understand the truth. Vidur added that- seller of honey when sees beehive on a high tree then he does not think that he can fall down while capturing the honey. So, either he gets the honey or he falls down from the tree.
Similarly, Duryodhan is not foreseeing the great danger lying for him in the future because his enmity with the Pandavas would bring everyone’s downfall. Duryodhan is only after gambling.
He told Dhritrashtra that Duryodhan is like a crow whereas Pandavas are peacocks and asked the king that why did he not abandon/leave the jackal i.e., Duryodhan and accept Pandavas who were like lions.
Now I tell you, when Yudhishthir was defeated and lost his brothers and himself also; then Shakuni asked Yudhishthir to put Draupadi on dice which in the circumstances, was done by Yudhishthir and he lost Draupadi also. But Yudhishthir knew that he was not entitled to put Draupadi on dice because he himself was lost in game. The said fact was also told by Vidur who was then Prime Minister of Dhritrashtra. Vidur told that Oh! Duryodhan, Yudhishthir has already lost himself and therefore he has no right to put his wife on dice. So, Draupadi has not been lost.
At that time, Vikarnna, a learned warrior also told that Shakuni told Yudhishthir to put Draupadi on dice so Draupadi is not lost in the game. The story ends with the blessings of King Dhritrashtra to Draupadi, by releasing the Pandavas from slavery.
And the blessings were given by Dhritrashtra under pressure and fear when Bheem took a vow to break the thigh of Duryodhan. And everybody was telling in the court that Pandavas are so powerful that they could win over the Kauravas- It means Yudhishthir knew that he did not lose Draupadi because he lost himself first. Secondly, kauravas were not capable of harming Draupadi and Pandavas. So, defeat of Draupadi in the game was mere drama played by Yudhishthir in anger when Yudhishthir was forcefully asked to play the game.
It is a fundamental law that sun always showers rays of light which have heat. Similarly the gambling always gives such a heat to the heart of gambler that always burns him. This law is unchangeable. So one must never think that if a person is occasionally successful in gambling so he is feeling peace. No, please. The above fundamental law says that gambling always hurts the heart.
India became slave only due to the vices like gambling, taking wine, meat, prostitution etc. prevalent amongst all the Nawabs of that time.