Gandhi’s apprehensions about Cong proving true: Balbir

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 28: BJP spokesperson, Balbir Ram Rattan while taking a strong dig at Congress for hoodwinking the public opinion in the country for its vested political interests at a time when nation is passing through a critical phase said that the country still remembers Mahatma Gandhi’s suggestion of disbanding Congress after attaining independence from the British.
In a statement issued here, today he said it was well founded and foresightedness of the visionary leader, who might had developed apprehensions that the Congress would deviate from its path of duty towards the nation and wellbeing of the people.
Balbir made this observation while taking serious note of the present scenario when the nation is passing through tough times of COVID crisis and the Congress is playing petty politics, instead of supporting the Government initiatives to sail out the country from the present crisis.
Balbir said that history is witness to the fact that Congress, which got more than 60 years to rule the country, promoted only a family, introduced culture of massive corruption, indulged in appeasement for vote bank politics.
The Congress, which is not in power at the Centre now for the last seven years, has been seen acting as irresponsible and most opportunist opposition party, which has confined its role to the extent of opposing every policy, decision and action of Narendra Modi Government even when the political ethics too demanded support and cooperation to the Government in matters related to the welfare of the people in times of national crisis.
It is really most unfortunate that the Congress demands proof when India destroys terrorists’ training and launching pads in PoJK, it raises questions on retrieving of Indian land from the occupation of China and misleads people on the effectiveness of the vaccines developed by the local scientists and advocates for importing Corona Vaccines produced by foreign countries.
Congress leadership has not even hesitated from colluding with nation’s enemies just to overthrow Narendra Modi Government.
What the Congress is not able to achieve through the democratic route of elections, it wants to achieve through destabilisation and dividing the nation as is evident from the recently reports of exposing Congress’s tool kit.