Garbage on Pulwama ring road raises health concerns

Unattended garbage along Pulwama Ring Road. —Excelsior/Younis Khaliq
Unattended garbage along Pulwama Ring Road. —Excelsior/Younis Khaliq

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, June 20: The stinking waste mounds around the Pulwama ring road in South Kashmir have sparked outrage among locals, shopkeepers and students, who say the heaps pose a severe threat to their health and safety.
Situated in the middle of paddy fields near the highway, the unsightly garbage mountain highlights the district’s poor solid waste management. Despite efforts to conceal the yard with tin sheets, the pile remains visible from the busy road. This uncontrolled rubbish is particularly hazardous to the nearby Government Women’s Degree College, as the foul odour it emits threatens the health of the students.
“A Government women’s college is located 10 to 15 meters from the garbage, and students there are suffering terribly. The issue will become a health risk for the entire population if prompt action is not taken to solve it,” Ghulam Hussan, a local said.
Hassan added that they have raised concerns about the reckless open dumping of rubbish on agricultural land, but the authorities have ignored the issue. “The ecology is endangered because all residential trash is thrown in a vacant field surrounded by orchards. To lessen the risk to human health, the Government should implement a scientific recycling process for domestic waste,” he said.
Residents claim that stray animals, such as dogs and birds, are attracted to the trash, where they search for food and pose a threat to nearby people, particularly the female students. “The presence of dogs on the road makes the female students afraid for their safety. The authorities should at least consider these students,” said another resident.
The persistent dumping of trash has also affected business for shop owners near the highway. “No one is coming to my tea shop because of the bad stench, which deters people from coming here for tea. These days, I hardly earn anything. I request the administration to relocate this trash heap,” said Bashir Ahmad, a tea stall owner.
Residents complain that municipal officials have failed to remove the waste regularly, leading to serious problems for the entire population in the area. The area has effectively turned into a garbage dump, with debris piles posing significant health risks. “The foul odour emanating from the garbage is causing significant problems for people, especially the elderly, who are having difficulty breathing,” residents said.