Gardening for Children

Ashok Gupta
Gardening is a great way for children to learn new skills and have Fun.From caring  their plants,they can learn the science of plants,weather ,environment and about healthy eating.Most children enjoy being outdoors and love digging in the soil getting dirty,creating things and watching the plants grow.The best aspect of Gardening for children is to lessen the aggressiveness in the children.
People of all ages can enjoy gardening,but children in particular will have lots of fun and gain special benefits.gardening is educational and develops new skills including.
* Responsibility :- From caring of plants
* Understanding:-Causes and effect e.g plants die without water,weeds compete with
* Plants,disease damage the healthy plants.
* Self Confidence:-The feel confident,when they see the Flowers and Vegetables they have grown.
* Love for nature:-a chance to learn about the outdoor environment.
* Reasoning and discovery:-learning about the Science of plants,environment and    nutritions.
* Physical activity:-Doing something fun and Productive.
*.Creativity:-finding new and exciting way to grow flowers.
* Here are some ways/suggestions to get the children involved involved and interested in gardening are.
* .Give the children their own garden space(this should not be too big, you can start with large container or few pots.
*  Involve older children in planning and design of the garden
* Use and provide light weight,easy to handle tools for children.
* Grow  interesting plants such as Sunflowers,Strawberries and peas etc.
*  Plant Flowers that attract butterflies.
* Take children to community gardens,botanic gardens for ideas.
Some times parent/adults do not have patience either,let the kids have control of  their space in garden.If it is messy,it’s their own mess,let them enjoy and take pride in their own piece of land.
I hope parents/seniors in their family will experiment my humble submission and let their children grow with their own creative world.
(The author is Deputy   Director Floriculture Jammu)