Gardening for Health

Ashok Gupta
It has been widely recognized that regular contact with plants and natural environment can improve our physical and mental wellbeing. When we grow flowers, we engage our self with natural world at a pace that provides a welcome antidote to relieve our self from the stress of modern life. For a large number of people living in our society especially children and adults suffer with challenges of physical and mental health problems. Gardening can be  beneficial for them as such activities can relieve the symptoms of serious illness, prevent the development of stress problems by introducing people to a way of life that can help them to improve their mental wellbeing in the longer term.
And if you are feeling good, gardening is well, just a nice thing to do.
Gardening is a full fledge profession that deserves the attention of health professionals, spatial planners and other policy makers who are well versed with the techniques and benefits to make it possible for people to participate in gardening related activities. It is required that green spaces should be created to make it easy for people to participate in gardening. This also necessitates for planning and development authorities as well as land owners such as housing developers to make land available for the people so that they can enjoy the leisure of gardening.
Benefits of Gardens and gardening
Stress and stress-related illness are dramatically increasing worldwide and they have also paced a large space in our society. The migration of children to foreign countries for job and other assignments have created isolation for their parents and elders which has added lot of stress related diseases in people life like increased muscle tension, high blood pressure, increased pulse rate and reduced digestive system activities.
Gardens and gardening seem to be able to reduce stress in several ways:
*By simply allowing views of a green space.:- Numerous studies have shown that simply viewing a green space through a window can relax people and reduce stress levels and  decreased recovery time from illness and fewer stress related incidents.
*By allowing immersion in a natural scene:-Large numbers of studies have shown that by simply allowing people to immerse in a natural setting can reduce stress and increase relaxation. So even looking at a garden can give you a positive boost. The evidence is so compelling that the health related studies have   given its own name-Garden Therapy and is being used  by hospitals to treat patients and even to calm aggressive prisoners in jails.