Gas pipeline connectivity

Gujarat State Petroleum Limited (GSPL) has been assigned the task of laying gas pipe line through three States namely Haryana, Punjab and J&K to bring to them connectivity with the National Gas Grid. The project has been even discussed and cleared at the highest level of the Union Ministry of Petroleum.  In the first phase eight districts of Jammu and Kashmir State, namely Kathua, Samba, Jammu, Udhampur, Ramban, Anantnag, Pulwama and Srinagar would be connected to the grid. Besides main gas trunk from Bhatinda to Srinagar there will be hundreds of sub-lines. Unfortunately, execution of the project has got stuck up with the Haryana Government which has unexpectedly delayed the project of laying the gas pipelines. The problem in Haryana is that the acquisition of the land for laying the gas pipes and the route of the pipeline has not been resolved till date. GSPL has brought the matter to the notice of the governments of Punjab and J&K. The Chief Minister of our State is not happy with the delay in laying the pipeline and is reported to have appealed to the Chief Minister of Haryana to expedite the resolution of outstanding issues and make it possible for the GSPL to begin its work.
In the meanwhile the Revenue Department of the State Government has issued instructions to the Development Commissioners of concerned districts to notify acquisition of land for the purpose of laying the gas pipeline. Assistant Commissioners in these districts have been given instructions of how they will proceed in the matter. Connectivity with the National Gas Grid is of vital importance to our state especially during the winter months when the supply of gas is interrupted by inclement weather.