GB Pant Hospital establishes ICT

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, June 10: With internet resources and communications rapidly becoming a necessity in the hospitals, Kashmir’s lone paediatrician hospital, GB Panth takes a lead in the establishment of ICT (Information, Communication, Technology) platform/local area network/ internet/wifi for entire hospital.
According to a statement issued here, the Hospital based Management Information System (MIS) has been created as a tool for decision making and smooth day to day activities of the hospital in addition to the basic need to have free flow of information.
“The basic areas for coverage under the ICT are OPD, IPD, medical records, stores and inventory control management including laboratory investigations,” said the statement.
The automation system of the administrative/clinical work process of the hospital will also help in turning the hospital networks into important components in patient treatment, the statement said, adding that the hospital has already taken a lead by becoming the first hospital in the Valley in Government sector to have a website and e-hospital.