GBTI flays Govt for plight of Gujjar, Bakerwal community

Excelsior Correspondent

State president, GBTI, Mohd Aslam Kohli, addressing media persons at Jammu on Thursday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
State president, GBTI, Mohd Aslam Kohli, addressing media persons at Jammu on Thursday.

JAMMU, Sept 25: Jammu and Kashmir Gujjar and Bakerwal Tehreek-e-Insaaf (GBTI) today criticized the State administration for not addressing the plight of flood and landslide hit Gujjar and Bakerwal nomadic community, which, they alleged, is still deprived of relief, compensation and rehabilitation.
Addressing the media persons here today, State president, GBTI, Mohammad Aslam Kohli accused the Government of being against nomadic community. He said Gujjar and Bakerwals residing in the upper reaches lost their homes and live-stock during recent flash floods and are bound to live in the open sky while the State administration has completely failed to address their plights.
Kohli also expressed concern over the slow pace of relief and rehabilitation process undertaken by the State agencies for the nomadic community in various parts of the State. He said it was surprising that road network in far flung areas where nomads were residing remained cut off for nearly 15 days after the flash floods. Moreover, the State administration was yet to assess the loss suffered by the nomads, who have been left at the mercy of God by the administration.
He demanded the Government to carry out on war footing the relief and rehabilitation work in the upper reaches of the State in view of fast approaching winter season. He said that Government should immediately dispatch a team of its officials so that the losses suffered by the nomadic community could be assessed and affected people rehabilitated at the earliest.
Kohli further demanded that the relief assistance be distributed by the Central team or Indian Army, as people especially the Gujjar community has lost their faith in the State administration.