Gearing up for the SSB

Gauri Chhabra
One of the most prestigious and coveted body known for analysing candidates holistically- cognitive, affective and behavioral domain is the SSB, the Services Selection Board that conducts personality and intelligence tests and interviews to determine suitability of a candidate applying for Indian Military Forces.
SSB Examination
Candidates applying for the Army/Navy/Naval Academy and Air Force have to secure the minimum qualifying marks separately in written test & Officer Potentiality Test.Candidates applying for the Air Force, also have to qualify the Computerized Pilot Selection System (CPSS) & Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) separately.
SSB Interview 2018 for NDA 142 will commenced in the month of January 2019. SSB (Service Selection Board) is an organization which is set-up by the Ministry of Defence, India. Service Selection Board is the body that schedule, organize and conduct the SSB Interview of the candidates applying for Indian Military Forces. SSB screens the candidates for the Army, Navy and Air Force. SSB Interview is five days long procedure which includes two stages of testing as stage I & stage II. This procedure is organized at the SSB Centers (designated by SSB). SSB Interview includes Intelligence & Personality Test.
SSB Interview Procedure
The SSB Interview Procedure comprises of two stage selection process: Stage I & Stage II. Candidates, who qualify the Stage I, only they are permitted to appear for Stage II.
Stage 1: This stage consists of Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) tests and Picture Perception & Description Test (PP & DT). Stage 1 is a screening test. Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of combined performance in OIR Test and PP & DT.
Stage 2: This stage is conducted for four (4) days. Stage II consists of Psychology Tests, Group Testing Officer Tasks (GTO Tasks), Interview & Conference.
SSB Selection Procedure
Day 0 (Reporting):
On this day, candidates have to report to the selection center. Candidate’s original documents along with photocopies will be verified. After the documents verification, Personal Information Questionnaire (PIQ) Forms will be filled.In this form, candidates have to fill their personal details regarding educational profile, family background, etc.
Day 1 (Screening Test):
Candidates have to give an Intelligence Test (Verbal & Non-Verbal) & Picture Perception Test. In PP test, slide (hazy or clear) is shown for 30 seconds & candidates have to write the story. After finishing this test, the group discussion round takes place. This sequence is commonly known as Picture Perception and Discussion Test (PPDT).
Intelligence Test: It comprises of both; verbal and non-verbal questions. It is a written test which includes multiple choice questions. The time allotted to answering each question is 30 seconds.
Picture Perception and Discussion Test (PP & DT): This test includes story writing and discussion. A picture will be shown to the candidates for 30 seconds and candidates have to write a story based on the picture in 3 minutes.
Day 2 (Psychology Tests):
It is a set written tests, organized by a Psychologist. In these tests, candidates psychological suitability will be checked to be an officer. These tests include:
* Thematic Apperception Test (TAT): It is called as Picture Story writing. This test is very similar to PPDT. In this test, about 11 pictures will be shown. Each picture will be displayed just for 30 seconds after that candidates have to write a story based on the picture within 4 minutes. After 4 minutes another picture will be displayed and the same procedure will be followed till the last slide. The twelfth slide will be blank where a candidate is supposed to write any story of their own choice.
*Word Association Test (WAT): It is the second psychological test of SSB selection procedure. In this test, 60 words will be shown back to back for a period of 50 seconds. Candidates have to write the first thought that comes to their mind for those words.
*Situation Reaction Test (SRT): In this test, candidates will get a booklet with 60 situations written on it. Candidates have to write their responses based on those 60 situations.
* Self Description Test (SD): In this test, candidates have to write their opinion about their parents, themselves, friends, teachers & others. The time will be allotted 15 minutes.
Day 3 & Day 4 – Group Testing Officer Tasks (GTO Tasks):
These tests are interactive indoor and outdoor activities as a combination of mental and physical work. These tests are as follows:
*Group Discussion: In this round, a certain situation or topic (mostly current affairs) is given to a group of candidates. They are expected to discuss the various aspects of the issue. Group Task Officer observes each candidate during the course of the group discussion.
*Group Planning Exercise (Military Planning Exercise): In this round, a model of real life practical circumstances is presented to a group of applicants. They have to write their own plan of action for the mentioned problem.
*Progressive Group Tasks (PGT): In this round, the group of candidates has to cross some obstacles with the help of supporting materials such as rope, plank, wood log etc.
*Half Group Tasks: This round is same as PGT but the numbers of group members will half. Candidates get more chance to show their potential. *Individual Obstacles: In this round, candidates are required to attempt 10 obstacles individually.
*Group Obstacles Race or Snake Race: In this round, all group members will compete to the other groups. Candidates are required to cross certain obstacles with the snake-like rope.
*Command Task: In this task, an aspirant will be a commander. He will be required to cross some obstacles with the help of 2-3 subordinates.
*Lecturette: In this round, each individual has to give a lecture for 3 minutes on a topic selected by them.
*Final Group Task: It is same as PGT. Candidates have another chance to show their potential.
Day 5 (Conference):
On the final day, candidates & all the SSB members sit together and have a chat to the candidates to ask a few general questions. The conference is just to decide whether you recommend as an officer in Indian defense forces or not.
Medical test:
After the SSB results,recommended candidates appear before the medical board for their medical test. It takes 4 to 5 days time for the concerned Military Hospital to complete the medical board and after that the candidates are dispersed. NDA candidates are examined both for Army and Navy unless otherwise instructed and endorsement of fitness status will be made accordingly.
Physical Fitness Standards at IMA/OTA
* Running : 2.4 KM in 15 minutes
* Push ups: 13 Nos
* Sit ups: 25 Nos
* Chin ups: 6 Nos
* Rope climbing: 3-4 metres
Candidates are advised to build themselves up by physical training, sports, running, swimming etc, so that they meet the training goals successfully.
Medical Standards:
* The candidate should be free from wax (EARS), DNS, Hyrocele/Phimosis. Defective Colour Vision, LASIK Surgery, Over/Under Weight, Under Chest, Piles, Gynecomastia, Tonsillitis, Veri-Cocele and Aids.
* You should be able to read 6/6 in a Distant Vision Chart
* Colour Vision Standard should be CP-III
* Minimum 14 Dental Points With Sound Teeth
Selection in SSB
For selection in SSB, all three techniques namely Psychology, Interview and Group Testing are important. Each technique has equal weightage. SSB is assessed out of 900 marks. Out of this, 225 marks are reserved for board conference and the remaining 675 marks are divided between the three techniques which mean each assessor has 225 marks to award. The conference marks are divided into three parts with the Interviewing Officer having a slightly larger share.It is not important to pass in all three techniques. In fact, most successful candidates are cleared in two out of the three techniques. Very few candidates are cleared by all three and there are also few candidates who actually pass in only one technique but get cleared by the board after discussions during the board conference.It’s also possible that a candidate initially clears in all three techniques and yet fails in the end of board conference.
When should you start preparing?
Well, the earlier you start them the better. One more thing the quantity of time never matters for preparations, what matters is the quality of time you put in and how sincerely you are preparing.The OLQ’s which are the most important aspect of SSB can’t be developed in a day.
Have an in depth knowledge
of the pattern:
To get through the SSB, remember, you should know what all would be asked in each test. What would be the pattern? What kind of candidates normally make it? The knowledge of all this would hold you in good stead since you will start practicing early. In the psychological tests, you cannot fake it. Give ample amount of time to know yourself, and analyze your positives’ and negative.
Do a SWOT analysis of yourself. Write down everything you need to know about yourself and your near ones. This includes your positives, negatives, achievements. Basically an introspection of your personality. Your hobbies, interests and information related to that. Information related to your friends, family and their likes dislikes, and your likes and dislikes in them.Remember, you can’t fake it in SSB so either you have the personality they want or you don’t. You come to know whether you have the right ethical values and whether you are cut out for the role.
Discipline your mind and body:
The singular quality that would set you apart from others is discipline that becomes evident in the way you walk and talk. It is not just about walking in line and reaching on time. Discipline is when your mind directs your body not to walk on wrong lane, it is when you stand straight in assembly when a long speech is being delivered from stage, its when you attentively listen to others without showing negative gesture indicating lack of interest. It should be in your conscience. To be an officer you need to develop the qualities of an officer, and these cannot be developed overnight.
Therefore, if you have to gear up for the SSB, start preparing now. Wear the most positive and outright attitude you can and steal the show.