Geeta, a deaf-mute Indian girl who accidentally crossed over to Pakistan, a decade ago, meeting the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi after her return to India, in New Delhi on Monday. External Affairs and Overseas Indian Affairs Minister, Sushma Swaraj is also seen in the picture.(UNI)

Geeta, a deaf-mute Indian girl who accidentally crossed over to Pakistan, a decade ago, meeting the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi after her return to India, in New Delhi on Monday. External Affairs and Overseas Indian Affairs Minister, Sushma Swaraj is also seen in the picture.(UNI)
Geeta, a deaf-mute Indian girl who accidentally crossed over to Pakistan, a decade ago, meeting the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi after her return to India, in New Delhi on Monday. External Affairs and Overseas Indian Affairs Minister, Sushma Swaraj is also seen in the picture.(UNI)

Geeta, a deaf-mute Indian girl who accidentally crossed over to Pakistan, a decade ago, meeting the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi after her return to India, in New Delhi on Monday. External Affairs and Overseas Indian Affairs Minister, Sushma Swaraj  is also seen in the picture.(UNI)