Gender bias

We have made remarkable progress in the socio-economic fields of life since the dawn of Independence. Our constitution guarantees  equal opportunity and facility for all the people of the country irrespective of caste creed and sex. It is very unfortunate that Gender bias still continues among our people and our female child gets exploited and abandoned. The girl child is vulnerable to untold  miseries at every stage of her life. In today’s atmosphere we notice that crimes against the girl child have been increasing day in and day out. Who can deny this fact that even in 21st century we  know about killing of girl child in her mother’s womb although it is a crime before the law of the land. Why is it that a male child is  still considered not only a future bread earner but also a protector of the family. Don’t we observe that now girls have shined in every field and have proved their might and potential. We should realise that our female child is in no way inferior. She needs protection from the Government  agencies and from the society as well. The dowry evil has to be  denounced in all public meetings and in media too. In demolishing the gender bias the empowerment of the girl child ought to commence at the grass root level viz-a-viz at home. Parents need to treat the girls and boys equally.
Yours etc….
S. N. Raina