General Category People’s Front resents GST on essential items

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 18: General Category People’s Front, Jammu Kashmir (GCPF-JK) held its meeting today under the chairmanship of Raj Kumar Banathia, Chairman of the Front and demanded immediate rollback of the GST on the essential items.
GCPF flayed Union Govt for imposing GST on food grains / essential commodities used regularly by the common people. Alleging that Modi Govt was burdening the poor middle class with taxes on new items, the Front warned that it will cost the BJP heavy in coming elections.
Hinting that the Front may join electoral politics in coming days, the meet also expressed strong resentment against LG administration for its alleged anti-people decisions thus alienating general masses from administration.
Addressing the meeting, Prof Yash Paul Sanson, President GCPF-JK, alleged that LG administration had brought miseries to the people on all fronts and imposed heavy taxes, fees, fines tolls and services charges, including water and electricity bills, making it difficult for people to manage their day to day kitchen expenses.
He demanded provision for 300 Unit of free electricity to every household in JK UT like Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, exempting pensioners from Income Tax and enhancement of Medical allowance of employees and pensioners from Rs 300/- to Rs 1000/- per month.
Sanson also condemned continuation of Reservation without any review. He said that providing reservation in the light of Mandal Commission report is illegal and not justifiable as it is too old to implement today.
Som Nath Sharma, General Secretary of the Front, appealed the Government of India to promote the principles of equality, justice liberty and dignity to all citizens ending all the restrictions imposed on the application of basic fundamental constitutional and democratic rights. He called upon unreserved category people to ruminate over their predicament and teach a lesson to those leaders and political parties, who played divisive vote bank politics and followed appeasement policies, the evil of all chaos and confusion in the country.
V K Sharma and Bhushan Pargal, both Vice Presidents of the Front, also addressed the meeting, which was joined by Dr Bansi Lal, Surinder Kumar, Jagdish Dogra, Ravi Sahni, Gopal Dass Verma and others.