General Orientation Course commence at JU

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 20: Four week long UGC-General Orientation Course (GOC) organised by Academic Staff College, Jammu University in collaboration with Department of Punjabi, for University and College teachers commenced today.
The course was inaugurated by Prof Neelam Saraf, Dean Academic Affairs, while Prof Surjeet Singh, India’s representative at UNESCO from Patiala University was the chief guest.
Speaking on the occasion, Prof Surjeet Singh dwelt in detail about the different cross cultural and historical narratives in the contemporary academic curricula.
Prof Neelam Saraf said that these kind of courses are mandatory for further carrier advancement of College and University teachers.
Earlier, Prof Archana Kesar, Head, Department of Punjabi and Director, ASC, presented the welcome address, whereas, Ranjeet Kalra, Asst Prof, ASC, presented vote of thanks.
Among others present were popular Dogri writer and literary figure Mohan Singh, Prof Shiv Dev Singh Manhas, HoD, Dogri , faculty and staff members of the Department and ASC.
The proceeding was conducted by Dr Baljeet Kour.