Gimmickry of autonomy, regional councils dangerous: Sethi

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 26: Political gimmickry of Regional Autonomy by National Conference and Regional Councils by faction of Congress as election promises recently is too hazardous for the State as these election tricks will divide the population on religious and regional lines leading to greater instability in the State.
In a statement issued here, today Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief spokesperson, Sunil Sethi said that by raising these slogans both parties are playing in the hands of forces inimical to the unity and integrity of India who want to weaken the great country. Both parties have been in Government in the past and had done nothing good for public and are now trying to raise irrelevant and dangerous slogans, he added.
He said that there is total bankruptcy of political thought and ideas in Congress and its leaders are now trying to befool people with hollow slogans which if implemented will lead to disintegration of Dogra heritage and culture by dividing Jammu Province to fulfil the dream of Kashmir Centric political forces of having Greater Kashmir by including areas of Muslim majority to it as per Dixon Plan.
Sunil Sethi said such anti Jammu and anti national slogans will take these parties nowhere politically. Jammu and Kashmir will remain one unit and within that Bharatiya Janata Party will ensure equality and justice to all regions with all around development. He warned both National Conference and Congress of raising divisive issues with dangerous fallout.
BJP chief spokesperson further noted that his party will come to power in the State on its own after Assembly elections and will work out for unprecedented development of the State by providing clean and honest Government by following the example set by Prime Minister who has led the nation to unprecedented heights by leading honest and responsive Government which has been appreciated not only within country but whole world has recognised and accepted the effectiveness of Modi Government.