Girl bounded

Ever once I wanted to grow,
Take that path but blinded by sorrow.
Sitting by the moon I talk,
Dream the dreams that are left apart.
Appreciated the birds for as I wanted their wings,
Wanted that open sky ready to listen me sing.
Covered in traditions, painted with customs,
Expected to sing without life’s rhythms.
With the flow of the river, I wanted to float ,
But confined within, like an apple to rot.
Wanted to listen to the beats of my heart,
But burnt are my dreams, with just a little spark.
Everyone here just want to serve God,
forgetting the fact –
I am the supreme creation of the lord
I am girl bounded by the rods.
Gurman Kour
Bhour Camp, Jammu


A Helping Hand


Our Earth is special,
There is just one.
It gives us water,
Soil and Sun.
People and animal,
Share the land.
Let us all lend,
A helping hand.
You should save water,
And plant a tree.
To make this a better home,
For you and me.
Recycle things,
Don’t throw away.
Make every day,
An Earth day
Raja Harteshvan Singh Pargal
7th Class


Call them gods


In my dreams,
I see a Phoenix,
a Phoenix as a flame, carrying
The fire of the power of men,
Which when killed
Bursts and extinguishes
But is reborn with the
Spark of humanity, with which
Men are graced, not to fight,
Over land, love, separation,
Slavery, independence, but
To fight, the hatred.
Hatred that is infested in
Others brains, to advance
Humanity in the society, to
Rise from the flame of grief, a Phoenix
Is reborn to defeat ice,
To protect humanity, to protect
The earth, the world, the existent universe.
Gods they may be called
For they are the guards of differences
And once you play gods
You become the warriors
Risen from dust. A child Phoenix.
Sachdeep Singh
12th A
Jodhamal Public
School , Jammu