‘Girls can love better than men’

Shah Rukh Khan has again teamed up with veteran filmmaker Yash Chopra who passed away recently. Jab TakHaiJaan will see SRK romance Katrina Kaif in London and Anushka Sharma in Ladakh. Sreya Basu chats up with the actor in Mumbai
How will you define Jab TakHaiJaan?
The film is very soulful. It is essentially a Yash Chopra romance which he has been portraying beautifully in his every film … there is a pace, a sadness, a quietness that is very unique. Jab TakHaiJaanis about the intensity of love but made in a very contemporary style.
What is contemporary about the film?
The contemporary part is more Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma than me. (Laughs). They add a kind of coolness to the film.
The music of the film is quite a rage already. But the way the songs have been choreographed is quite different than what we get to see these days.
Well, when you have (AR)Rahmansaab, Gulzaarsaab and Yashji, all you get is a mix of modern, contemporary method of showing love but the soul still belongs to the era of Yash Chopra. It takes a little bit of time to see the songs because we live in the times of quick cuts and Eisenstein style of filmmaking. But the whole attitude here is to be able to make everyone stop, think for a moment and believe that love is an everlasting emotion, it goes on and on and all of us fall in love some time or the other.
Jab Tak Hai Jaan shows how a man’s perception of love changes over two stages of life. Do you think our surroundings play a major role in our love life?
I don’t think our perception on love and life changes by seeing people around you. The relationship is between two people and it is a very personal experience.
Have your perception of love changed over the years?
To be honest, my personal experiences of love, be it romantic love or any other, are deeply embedded in me as to what people would likeand how you should be in love. I think when you are in love, or in a live-in relationship, or any other relationship, the bottomline is you just be yourself. In movies, we do certain things in a comic or macho way which is quite over-the-top, larger-than-life, but personally I don’t think my perception of love, life or relationships has ever changed.
So what is love to you?
It’s all about making each other smile a little and be able to laugh with each other.It is as simple as that. It’s about doing the basic things in life. We basically lose out on love and romance when we look into the bigger things … when we want to do this and that and get the moon for our beloved. But love resides in very small, simple things like taking care and listening to each other and a hug. And I believe girls know how to love better than men.
Both your female leads – Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma – are almost half your age. Does it make any difference?
Ya it does;they haveless wrinkles. I know people do joke about the fact that both the girls are half my age. The advantage of working with the girls younger to you is that they have a different approach to scenes than I have. Age is never in the number of years but your experience. I believe any lady above the age of 17 or 18 years is a woman. I have a lot of respect for what they stand for, I love them but I never thought it’s very different because they are younger. I have learnt a lot from Katrina and Anushka because the way they deal with certain situations in life which get reflected in the scenes they do. (TWF)