MUMBAI, Dec 31: Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Tuesday directed the authorities to transfer the financial aid given to beneficiaries under various schemes, like the Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana, directly to their bank accounts under the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) system.
This is aimed at avoiding delays in providing financial assistance to eligible individuals, an official statement from the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) said.
The CM gave the instructions to authorities during a meeting at the Sahyadri Guest House here to review the Social Justice Department’s 100-day plan.
Fadnavis said the rules of welfare schemes should be updated so more people can benefit.
He asked officials to repair government hostels wherever there is requirement and to ensure that students get necessary facilities on time.
Fadnavis directed that the admission process for hostels and caste verification be made online.
He said the Mukhyamantri Tirth Darshan Yojana portal to be launched soon and for a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to be created for all corporations under the department.
The meeting was attended by Tribal Development Minister Ashok Uike, Social Justice Minister Sanjay Shirsat, Ministers of State Madhuri Misal, Meghana Bordikar, Dr Pankaj Bhoyar, Indranil Naik, Chief Secretary Sujata Saunik, and other senior officials. (PTI)