Give peace a chance

Dr Shahid Amin Trali

It’s very harsh to accept that our state identity has been changed. It’s hard to grasp that we have been demoted and instead of state we have to mention that we now belong to a union territory. We must not accept it easily and keep trying everything fair to challenge this decision. But we must not take the route of violence and instead follow every possible legal route. There is no denial that our state has suffered badly since last three decades. We have lost assets in terms of precious human lives and our greater resources. Let the blood bath come to an end once and forever. We have seen enough of these evil forces and still there is no end to our sufferings. There are/were strong players that have/had done enough to disturb us but it is our turn now to play smart, united and work towards peace and prosperity.
We were destined to suffer because things are/were never going the right way in our paradise. There are good reasons and justifications why we are suffering? Our lovely state has not only been deprived of its special status supported by articles 370 and 35 A in the Indian constitution. But we have lost almost every good thing over the time. We were known for the best humanity and hospitality and honest men and women on earth. The outsiders now have taken over almost every trade and skill in our valley. We have bagged the rank as one of the most corrupted state. The selfishness and dishonesty has taken over humanity and honesty. Our workers are proving dull. Our works are obsolete now. Our approach towards any work is slow and is never justified. Our politicians have always cursed one another. Our leaders have never been honest and their approach is dull and lacks focus. They have never been visionary. Where wealth accumulates men decay and disloyalty on the empire did prey. The bigger faults have put the life of our beloved state in shambles and towards the disaster.
This worst phase of our life will also pass and surely there will be a best time ahead. It’s rightly said that after every dark there is always a bright light that makes us shine. We have to sense our greater responsibilities and there is no room left to be just a mute spectator. Let’s support our leaders in their good intentions so they get a moral boost. But those who are corrupt must not be spared at all. Let’s believe in our real leaders and give them a chance to prove themselves. When we are greedy at our own levels how can we expect them to be our saviors? We have seen good men dropping from prestigious posts and joining the main stream politics but we have also defeated their good intentions. It’s a big time to introspect and be united for a good cause. That good cause should be towards the peace and development for our state. Our leaders must quickly shun their differences and be united for a cause.
It may seem bitter but it seems true that time is near when the big fights are going to be only against huge population, poverty, food and water crisis and scarce resources. There will be hardly any time left to discuss any abrogation of articles etc. It is almost thirty years now we have lived a life of hell in our paradise. Every day we have faced deaths. Don’t we deserve to live a life of peace in our paradise? We should not expect any help from others because every country is trying to combat with their own economic crisis and other big issues. They are also desperate to revive the peace in their own regions. We need to counsel our children to take the routes of education. It’s in the education that can change the world in our favor but not the weapons of destruction. It’s in this education that can win us hearts the world over and bring us back our lost culture and glory. It’s our good education that can win us love and prosperity. We need to pass on this message that there is no one better on earth than the people of Jammu and Kashmir. We are good at our heart and equally great through our actions.
It’s true that there are hardliners but it is equally true that there are good people around who really love and care for us. We need to focus and preserve our rich culture of Jammu and Kashmir. We must appeal outsiders to visit our state and really feel the difference. Only the citizens in any part of the world can transform the society. We have suffered badly because of this vicious circle of violence. Let’s act wisely now and change our strategies. Let’s be peaceful and respectful in our demands and show care for all the stakeholders of our state. We must not forget that politics has always been labeled a dirty game and one will be sooner or later changed by a new one. But as citizens we must not lose our cool and show utmost temperament. We have to find our new and real leaders. Our real leaders have a role in the transformation of our society. Our families have a part to play in instilling good values among our future generations. Our every member of our state has to be contributive now and be knowledgeable, innovative, honest and sincere. I wish good senses must prevail now and a sense of honesty conquer the evil means.
(The author is an Assistant
Professor in Management)