GMC Anantnag performs successful Total Laryngectomy

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, Jan 2: The doctors at GMC Anantnag have successfully performed a Total Laryngectomy on a patient experiencing voice changes and noisy breathing.
The cancer surgery was conducted by the Department of ENT & Head and Neck Surgery at GMC Anantnag on a 62-year-old male who was admitted to the hospital on December 5 last year, undergoing a stabilizing tracheostomy.
“After comprehensive evaluation, he was diagnosed with advanced laryngeal carcinoma with cartilage invasion. On January 1, the patient underwent a six-hour-long Total Laryngectomy with elective Neck dissection (R), Hemithyroidectomy (R), and the placement of a voice prosthesis (TEP),” the hospital said in a handout.
The cost of the voice prosthesis, crucial for postoperative speech, as per the hospital, was covered under the Ayushman Bharat scheme.
“This surgery marks a significant milestone as the first of its kind in south Kashmir, underscoring the advancements in cancer treatment at Government Medical College Anantnag,” the hospital said.
The surgical team, led by Prof (Dr) Sajad Qazi, included ENT specialists Dr Amir Yousuf, Dr Umar Shafi, Dr Salman Khurshid, and Dr Ehsan Ahmad. The anesthesia team, headed by Dr Zafar Ahmad Malik and Dr Khalida, contributed to the success of the intricate procedure, supported by assistants Riyaz Ahmad and Firdous Ahmad.
The Department of ENT & Head and Neck Surgery at GMC Anantnag, extended special thanks to Principal Medical College Anantnag Prof (Dr) Anjum Farhana and Medical Superintendent Dr Muzaffar Sherwani for their encouragement and logistical support.
Dr (Prof) Anjum Farhana congratulated the team of doctors for successfully conducting the surgery and operating upon challenging cases, a milestone in itself.
Dr Owvass H Dar, Spokesperson GMC Anantnag, emphasized the importance of examining any voice changes in elderly individuals with a history of hookah or cigarette smoking.