GMC facing acute shortage of essential medicines, labs unable to conduct tests

No breakthrough in fire incident
Govind Sharma
JAMMU, Apr 22: Even after two months of the blaze which gutted the whole stock of medicines and allied items running into lakhs in the drug store of Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Jammu, the Hospital is facing acute shortage of essential medicines and the patients even in emergency are forced to buy medicines from the market.
A major fire had broken out in Drug store of the GMCH Jammu on the night of February 17, due to unknown reasons. The fire had engulfed the whole drug store and after a night long operation of fire fighters, the fire was doused completely by next morning but till then the whole stock of medicines, allied items and medical records were turned into ashes.
Reliable Hospital sources told Excelsior that since the date of fire incident, the hospital is running out of medicines, fluids and other allied items used in the treatment of the patients. They said there are no antibiotic, AVS fluid, anti-venom, anti-rabies vaccine and serum, drip sets and PoP bandages available in the hospital. “What to say of medicines, even Hospital did not have medicates, hand gloves, bandage cloth, cotton, Roll bandages, spirit and savlon etc,” sources claimed.
They said GMCH authorities are feeling helpless due to the unprecedented shortage of medicines and despite local purchase of some medicines and fluids, the authorities failed to provide medicines even in emergency ward and most of the patients are forced to buy medicines from the open market while most affected of this shortage are patients admitted in various wards of the hospitals, who are even forced to purchase medicates, bandages and fluids like DNS, RL, NF and SD from the market.
“We don’t have medicines for daily use. Tomorrow if there is an outbreak of any epidemic, we will not be able to handle it,” said a doctor in emergency of the Hospital, requesting anonymity. He said with limited local purchase which is also a very complex procedure, the Hospital administration is not able to cater to need of medicines even in emergency. “Though authorities have placed orders for required medicines and other items with J&K Medical Supplies Corporation Limited but it will take time as the whole process of procurement takes at least 4-5 months,” he added.
Sources further disclosed that even Biochemistry, Microbiology and Pathology labs of the GMC don’t have many important reagents which are used for processing the blood samples of the patients and to conduct various blood tests including blood sugar. Due to lack of these reagents, even a single blood test has not been conducted in the Medical College during last 15 days.
“Moreover, culture media, which is used to detect specific infections is not available in the GMC labs due to which no such tests have been conducted there in past about 3 weeks,” sources claimed and their claim was also confirmed by HoD, Biochemistry, Dr AS Bhatia. He said. “We are unable to perform even basic blood tests in the labs as reagents and culture media have not been provided by the administration despite my repeated requests and reminders to the concerned authorities”.
Meanwhile, the Crime Branch which is probing the mysterious fire of drug store has also failed to submit its report even after a lapse of two months and according to SSP Crime Branch, Jammu, RK Jalla, the investigation team may take at least one more month to complete the investigation and submit report.
Moreover, a 6-member committee was also constituted by the Principal GMC to enquire into the incident but shockingly it took 45 days for the Principal to constitute this committee, which apparently seems to be an eyewash as the Crime Branch had already taken over the case and seized all records as well as the gutted medical store, leaving no scope of enquiry by the Committee.
Despite repeated calls of this correspondent, neither Principal Secretary, Health and Medical Education Department, Atal Dulloo nor Principal GMC Jammu Dr Sunanda Raina, responded.