GMC interns ‘repeatedly’ ignore guidelines; directed to comply

Irfan Tramboo

Srinagar, Jan 17: Giving a final opportunity to the Medical interns to follow the guidelines, the Government Medical College (GMC), Srinagar today noted they have been ignoring the necessary instructions issued from time to time while warning of action in case the instances of non-adherence continued to be reported.
A communication of GMC, Srinagar, while terming the non-adherence of norms as indiscipline, has stated that despite repeated reminders issued to all Medical Interns of the college to follow the guidelines as per the protocols, there have been repeated violations, which have been viewed seriously, demanding action.
“It has been observed that the instructions/ guidelines are totally ignored by the Interns, which has caused indiscipline for smooth running of the Internship program.”
GMC while taking a considerate view of the matter has stated that a final opportunity is being provided to all the interns of the College to adhere to the guidelines in letter and spirit while suggesting that action might be taken in case the throwing guidelines to the wind continues.
The interns have been directed to ensure that the logbooks shall remain in official custody and that no interns shall keep the logbook in his /her possession under any circumstances.
“Interns who have not submitted their log books in the office till date shall deposit their log books immediately in the office of Registrar Academics.”
Officials told Excelsior that it is not acceptable that the interns will flout the guidelines and carry on as it suits them. They also warned of action in case the same continues while noting that there will not be any compromise on the adherence to the guidelines.
The interns have been further directed to ensure that there is no overwriting or mutilation or correction in the logbook and attendance/ stipend form—which has been said to be rampant—and that the same shall not be admissible/ acceptable at all.