It looks strange that under which pressing circumstances Government Medical College and associated hospitals have been working all these days of managing COVID -19 virus affected patients has, perhaps , not been fully realised by the UT administration in that letting these hospitals working with almost half of the sanctioned staff strength . As many as 199 faculty posts are lying vacant which are not filled through the prescribed process thus not only putting extra load on the existing strength but causing willy- nilly deficiencies in treatment of patients too.
There is no dearth of the requisite talent and expertise in the sons and daughters of the soil who are working in other top health institutions of the country and at top positions as well , and are eager to return to their native places but seeing such a non- practical , if not apathetic attitude of the UT administration towards not filling the vacancies and not providing the reasonable required staff (medical experts and specialists) to these Government run hospitals, they feel reluctant and see the ”road” blocked.
At least, in the interests of the general public of the UT of Jammu and Kashmir, denial by proxy, the specialised and expert services of and treatment by such talent of Jammu and Kashmir working in other states should be looked into and decks cleared by offering more incentives and making recruitments more frequent commensurate with vacancies for such talent to come back to the UT and to serve here. We need them now more than before. Senior faculty posts should preferably be filled by direct recruitment process.